7 Tips for Managing Dry, Itchy Eyes

7 Tips for Managing Dry, Itchy Eyes

7 Tips for Managing Dry, Itchy Eyes

7 Tips for Managing Dry, Itchy Eyes

7 Tips for Managing Dry, Itchy Eyes

7 Tips for Managing Dry, Itchy Eyes

If you have ever had dry, itchy eyes, you will know that the experience can be irritating, unpleasant, and purely painful. Interestingly, in most cases, you can prevent or control these symptoms by making minor changes to your routine.

You may also need to see your eye doctor for an eye exam. You can manage dry, itchy eyes better when you know the cause.

Why Are Your Eyes Dry and Itchy?

Several factors can make your eyes dry and itchy. They include:

  • Dry eye disease.

  • Eye allergies.

  • Eye infections.

  • Having foreign objects in your eye, such as hair strands, eyelashes, or sand particles.

  • Unfitting contact lenses.

  • Eyestrain

What Can You Do for Dry, Itchy Eyes?

It is best to see your eye doctor and know what is causing your dry, itchy eyes. But there are things you can do to relieve the dryness and itchiness as you wait to see your doctor. Here are seven easy ways you can manage dry, itchy eyes.

Try Not to Rub Your Eyes

You may feel tempted to rub your scratchy eyes, but you should avoid doing so at all costs. Rubbing your eyes can aggravate your symptoms and make your eyes feel scratchier and more irritated.

Also, your fingernails may accidentally scratch your cornea or spread germs. That could necessitate medical care.

Use Cold Compresses

Dip a clean towel in cold water and gently lay it over your eyes. This simple treatment can calm your symptoms. Sit it out for 10 minutes, and repeat the process as needed.

Use Non-prescription Lubricating Eye Drops

Over-the-counter lubricating eye drops or artificial tears can help ease your symptoms. They can also clean out your eyes or remove debris or allergens from the eye. 

Make sure to read and follow the manufacturer’s instructions on the label. That will help you know how often you can use the eye drops.

Reduce Screentime

Take regular breaks when using digital screens. Practice the 20-20-20 rule. Every 20 minutes, look at something 20 feet away from you for 20 seconds. Also, ensure your spaces have the right amount of light and brightness to reduce glare. You might also consider adding blue-light filters to your digital devices.

Blink Often

Blinking helps keep your eyes moist. Moisture around your eyes evaporates faster when you take too long to blink. That is usually the case when using digital screens. If you do not blink enough, you may develop eye irritation, infection, and blurry vision.

Eat Foods High in Omega-3 Fats and Drink Enough Water

Fish and vegetables rich in omega-3 oils help the oil glands in your eyes function better. The oil glands prevent moisture in your eyes from evaporating too quickly, thus preventing irritation.

Wear Protective Sunglasses

Protective sunglasses that wrap around your eyes can help guard your eyes against harmful ultraviolet (UV) light, dry winds, and flying debris. These factors can cause your tears to evaporate much faster, leaving your eyes dry, itchy, and irritated. 

When to See Your Doctor

See your eye doctor if your symptoms are not improving and your eyes are in pain. Your doctor may need to address an underlying illness or problem.

For more tips for managing dry, itchy eyes, visit Albright Eyecare at our office in New Braunfels, Texas. You can also call (830) 271-4900 today to book an appointment.

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