Urgent Eye Care

Urgent Eye Care

Urgent Eye Care

Urgent Eye Care

Urgent Eye Care

Urgent Eye Care

On occasion people have acute problems with their eyes. This could range from conjunctivitis to getting poked in the eye, to seeing flashes of light or floaters, intense pain, etc. A trip to the emergency room will result in a long wait and a huge medical bill from a clinician who is likely not an eye specialist. After all of that, you will probably be told that you need to see an “Eye Doctor” anyway. Try calling our office first for proper assessment and appropriate care. We keep space in our schedule for “Emergency visits” and will likely be able to get you checked the same day.

Call our office for:

  • Any foreign bodies in the eye that are obstructing your vision or causing extreme pain. Gentle flushing may be tried, but if the sensation does not go away in a short period of time, proper attention is required to prevent significant damage to the surface of the eye.

  • Red/pink eyes that are swollen, painful, or compromising your vision.

  • Floaters. Any new flashes of light or floaters is a high concern situation until evaluated. Tissue could be separating from the back of the eye and could potentially be tearing or detaching the retina. This needs timely evaluation by an Eye Doctor to rule out severe complications that may need immediate retinal surgery.

  • Any acute drop or loss in vision needs urgent evaluation. Treatment and management almost always result better with early intervention.

  • Our office is designed and organized to address urgent eye care. We are more prepared and knowledgeable to address eye problems than general and emergency room practitioners. We strongly advise anyone to contact us first, even if they are a non-established new patient. We will very likely save them money, time, and discomfort.

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Roya1234 none 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM Closed Closed optometrist https://www.google.com/search?hl=en-US&gl=us&q=Albright+EyeCare,+1595+E+Common+St,+New+Braunfels,+TX+78130&ludocid=6872455012644172095&lsig=AB86z5XfOTN1Y0g77ywh692CCemk#lrd=0x865cbd2c9529a453:0x5f5fdd6c1382313f,3,,, # https://www.facebook.com/albrighteyecare/reviews/?ref=page_internal https://www.albrighteyecare.com/request-an-appointment.html